Burn-In: A Novel of the REAL Robotic Revolution is a technothriller, following a hunt for a terrorist through the streets of a future Washington DC. But baked into the story are over 300 factual explanations and predictions, replete with the nonfiction endnotes to show their source from the real world. The reader meets a new kind of hero for this genre, but through her hunt for a new kind of villain, they also learn about everything from how AI works to its impact on the future of politics, business, security, and even toys. Akin to fruit in a smoothie, it is a mix of entertainment and the latest research about important new issues that will soon shape all our lives. As a result, Burn-In garnered praise from current or former heads of such groups as the CIA, NSA, US Navy, Marine Corps, NATO, and LinkedIn to the writer of Lost, Watchmen and the new Star Trek movies.
More at: burninbook.com/reviews/